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Pupil Premium

The ‘Pupil Premium Grant' provides funds to help schools support groups of children who may be in danger of making less progress than others. Its aim is to ‘close the gap’ between how well children from low-income and other disadvantaged families do compared to their peers. How much pupil premium funding a school receives is determined by the number of children:

  • Eligible for free school meals
  • With parents who serve in the armed forces
  • In local authority care or adopted from care.

Providing Support

We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils. This includes children who belong to groups that could be at risk of making limited progress, including those who might be disadvantaged in one way or another.
We realise that not all children who are eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant are disadvantaged. Equally, we recognise that some children who are not eligible for the grant do, indeed, suffer social disadvantage. So we don’t use eligibility for the grant alone as the way to decide whether or not support is provided.


Below is the Pupil Premium Statement for 2024-2025 Academic Year.