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NURSTEED Community Primary School

‘Through kindness, teamwork and determination we thrive.’

Example Lesson Videos

Word Puzzles

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Each phonics session in Year 1 and 2 begins with 'Word Puzzles'. Within this section children learn to blend and segment, read and write, words with the unit's target sound.

One Sound, Different Spellings

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Part 2 of each phonics session in Year 1 and 2 is always 'One Sound, Different Spellings'. During this section of the session children read and write word with the target sound, sorting them according to the sound spelling.

One Spelling, Different Sounds.MP4

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Sentence Writing

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At the end of each phonics session children either read or write sentences (alternating each lesson). During this section children rehearse 'say the sounds, write the word' and 'say the sounds, read the word'. This should then be implemented into any written tasks the children carry out across the curriculum.
