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NURSTEED Community Primary School

‘Through kindness, teamwork and determination we thrive.’


The responsibility for the strategic management of the school is shared between the head teacher and the school governors.


Governing Bodies have a range of duties and powers including:

  • Helping to establish, with the head teacher, the aims and policies of the school

  • Advising on spending the school budget
  • Ensuring that the National Curriculum and Religious Education are provided
  • Selecting the head teacher
  • Appointing, promoting, supporting and disciplining staff
  • Providing outside advice, acting as a link between the local community and school.

The Governing Body has a general responsibility for strategic management of the school. It is not expected to take detailed decisions about the day to day running of the school – that is the function of the head teacher and other staff. The Governing Body is a group: individual members have no power, except when the whole Governing Body has delegated a specific power to an individual. The Governing Body meets at least termly.


Chair of Governors: Mr Andrew Geddes

Vice Chair of Governors: Mr Jim Smith


Clerk: Mrs Hannah Becket

The quorum to hold meetings and for all business is 3.


Teaching and Learning Committee

Chair:  Mr Peter Corbett


Resources Committee

Chair: Mr Andy Geddes


Members of the Governing Body

The following governors served in the school year at any point in the last 12 months:


Mr Peter Corbett

Appointed: 21/01/21

Term of office: 22/01/25

Appointment: Co-opted


Mr Andrew Geddes

Appointed: 26/01/15

Term of office: 20/01/25

Appointment: Co-opted


Mrs Kay Vousden

Appointed: 01/09/2019

Term of office: N/A

Appointment: Staff (headteacher)


Mr James Smith

Appointed: 17/03/2020

Term of office: 16/03/2024

Appointment: Co-opted


Mr Martin Armitage 

Appointed: 26/05/2021

Term of office: 26/05/2025

Appointment: Co-opted


Mr Paul Dyer

Appointed: 06/10/2021

Term of office: 06/10/2025

Appointment: Co-opted


John (Michael) Harper

Appointed: 23/03/2022

Term of Office: 23//03/2026

Appointment: Parent Governor


Mrs Sam Drury

Appointed: 14.05.23

Term of office: 14.05.27

Appointment: Parent


Mrs Maria Hoult

Appointed: 13.07.24

Term of office: 13.07.28

Appointment: Co-opted


A register of business and pecuniary interests is completed at all governing body meetings.

No such interests have been declared.


The table below records the attendance record of governors in the last school year.

Governors Attendance Register 2022/23                 
 FGBT&LResources FGBT&LFGBFGBResourcesT&LFGBFGB     
Date of Meeting05/10/202228/09/202216/11/202230/11/2219/01/2301/02/2322/02/2316/05/2314/05/2324/05/2313/07/23         
Mrs Kay VousdenPPPPPPP PPP         
Mr Andrew GeddesPPPAAPP AAP         
Mrs Mandy Dunstone PP*PPPP APP         
Mr Peter CorbettPP*PPPP PPA         
Mrs Christine Corbett*A*AAAA AAResigned         
Mr James SmithP**P*AA PPP         
Mrs Nicola ParryPP*PPPP PAP         
Mr Martin ArmitageP*PP*PP .PP         
Mr Cliff EvansP**N*PA .AResigned         
Mr Paul Dyer P **A*PP .AA         
Mrs Sarah Kyte*PResigned                 
Mr Michael HarperP**P*AP .NA         
Mr Sam Drury        PPA         
Ms Maria Hoult          A           
Mrs Michelle Hyde (Clerk)PPPPPAP PPP         
Quorate Total3333233 333         
Total Attended9857489 566         
P = PRESENT                    
* = NOT APPLICABLE                    
A = APOLOGIES                    


O = OBSERVING                    
