‘Through kindness, teamwork and determination we thrive.’
Overall Intent: To ensure that our whole school approach to the teaching of Phonics enables ALL children to be readers and writers. All children access a rigorous, thoughtfully planned phonics programme that is delivered consistently throughout the school by staff. Our methods and resources are embedded within our programme ensuring that children are exposed to a consistent phonics education. This consistency enables children to build on previous learning whilst consolidating their knowledge and application skills. All staff are well trained and receive regular CPD and support from the English Leader to ensure they are confident to deliver our school Phonics Programme. Our approach creates enthusiasm and passion, amongst staff and children, for their love of reading and writing.
Our Whole School Aims
Aims for Children- to give the children the skills to be able to read and write independently. Allowing them to develop a sense of success in their own ability through a consistent approach across our whole school.
Aims for staff – to give staff the expertise and understanding through training to be able to teach their classes to a high level, developing the skills and strategies used in reading and writing. The staff’s enthusiasm and passion for learning will be shown in the consistent approach in all year groups.
Aims for parents – to give parents the knowledge and understanding as well as the skills and strategies to allow a consistent approach at both school and home.
Overview of phonics
At Nursteed Primary School we have a rigorous, systematic approach to delivering phonics to our children. This begins as soon as children enter our Reception class and continues throughout school. We follow the Sounds-Write phonics programme, and have created planning for each week of each unit (and supporting resources). We have ensured that within each week of planning children have the opportunity to revisit previously taught spellings of sounds. Children’s reading books are matched to their phonic ability, as they work through the phonic units. In addition pupils will have a book to read for pleasure, either independently or with an adult.
Progression sequence
Our Phonics sequence of progression ensures that teachers have high expectations for coverage. Quality teaching means that the scheme is rigorous and challenging. Phonics embeds Grapheme Phoneme Correspondence (GPC) knowledge whilst teaching children how to apply this to independent reading and writing. Rehearsing the application of known GPC’s is at the core of our teaching sessions ensuring that all children make progress in every session.
In Early Years (Pluto Class- Reception Year) children learn the Initial Code of Sounds-Write. Click on the Initial Code link for more information.
In Years 1 and 2 (KS1) children learn the Extended Code.
Throughout Years 3-6 (KS2) children continue to consolidate their knowledge, understanding and skills in the Extended Code. The practice each of the units again following progressive word lists which incorporate the words listed in the National Curriculum.
Click the following page links for more information and example lesson videos.