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NURSTEED Community Primary School

‘Through kindness, teamwork and determination we thrive.’


History is led by Mrs. Dunstone

At Nursteed, we believe the study of history inspires children's curiosity, encourages them to ask critical questions and enables them to have a better understanding of the society in which they live and that of the wider world.

The History Curriculum


We make every effort to develop meaningful links between subjects, with English and Maths, although history is taught to answer a specific question in each history block. This draws on key knowledge and skills in each year group and builds on the knowledge acquired from previous years.


Local history is taught in Years 1, 4 and 6 which builds on the knowledge of Devizes, as the pupils progress through the school.  We endeavour to visit specific local historical sites, within the local area, to reinforce learning. Visitors are often invited in to bring history alive and we often have 'dress up' days where children attend school immersed in the historical time period. 

To start with, young children consider changes in their own lives and in the lives of people around them. Older children build on this foundation by studying events from ancient times to the modern day. Children learn at an appropriate level using books, objects, pictures, film clips, and the internet. They use their imaginations when hearing stories, using drama and visiting museums or historical sites. Knowing that things haven't always been the same is interesting for its own sake and helps explain what happens now. It makes it possible for children to identify with modern British culture and encourages them to understand and respect other cultures, past and present.

Knowledge Progression in History

Skills Progression in History at Nursteed Primary School

SMSC in History


Children use their imagination and creativity when responding to history.

Children learn about historical traditions and faiths respectfully, making sensitive comments.

Children enjoy learning about a range of historical civilizations, in Great Britain and around the world.

Children demonstrate a willingness to reflect on their own historical experiences, for example, changes in their local environment and evidence from Primary and Secondary sources.


Children make sensitive constructive comments about their own, and others ideas.

Children offer respectful views when talking about changes from other cultures, faiths and traditions, and appreciate the view points of others.


Children use a range of social skills when discussing with others from different social, ethnic, cultural and faith backgrounds.

Children have opportunities to participate in historical performances within the school, the wider community and beyond.

Children work together with children from different cultural, social, or faith backgrounds demonstrating tolerance, and demonstrate skills and attributes which allow them to contribute fully and positively.


Children understand and appreciate a wide range of cultural influences in history,  both locally and those from the wider world.
