‘Through kindness, teamwork and determination we thrive.’
This is the homework guidance for 'Pluto', 'Mars' and 'Neptune' classes.
Class | Essential Home Learning |
Deeper Learning Tasks (Homework Challenge Grids) |
Pluto (YR) |
Read/Share books daily. Towards the end of the year there may be some additional home spelling practice. Guidance will be sent home with this. |
Please refer to the Homework Challenge Grid (link below) |
Mars (Y1) |
Read/Share books daily. Practise spellings 3 times a week. |
Please refer to the Homework Challenge Grid (link below) |
Neptune (Y2) |
Read/Share books daily. Practise spellings 3 times a week. Practise the 2, 5 and 10 x tables. |
Please refer to the Homework Challenge Grid (link below) |
If your child finds some homework difficult, or it's just taking too long, please don't worry. Encourage your child to do what he/she can in a reasonable amount of time and then simply leave the rest. We certainly don't mean to cause strife at home.
Enjoying reading together is easily the most important thing you do at home. If you regularly share books with your child you'll make a big difference to his/her success in school. We hope that you'll find time to read with your child regularly, every day if possible, and enjoy it together.
You can:
You don't need to read the whole book at once, sometimes a page or two will be plenty.
When your child starts to become fluent, it's certainly not the time to stop reading together! Show a keen interest and continue to enjoy reading together. You can talk about all sorts of things: the plot, the characters, the facts in an information book...
Regular reading together at home is truly valuable and will make all the difference to your child's progress in school.
Beginning in 'Pluto' Class (as the children are individually ready) children are set reading key word targets to practise at home. These are tailored to each child, and checked on a four weekly cycle to begin with (this will happen more often as children's pace of progress increases). Each time children achieve their target they will receive a small reward.
The routine we encourage is SACAWAC: Say the word And Cover the word And Write the word And Check the word. It helps children if they say the word as they write it. The final check is important of course. If the word has been written incorrectly, celebrate the bits that are right and then try again... Please do help your child by checking spellings with him/her. It's best to notice slips sooner rather than later.
We also recommend the Spellosaur app.
There's no end to the games you can play that involve numbers: snakes and ladders, board games, dominoes. Count objects. Count out coins and sweets when spending pocket money. Count up to 10, 20, 100. Count backwards from 10, 20, 100. Notice numbers everywhere and use them in conversations with your child.
When children start to learn number facts (5 + 5 = 10; 6 - 4 = 2) practise them often to make them stick for good. Work together to learn and rehearse pairs of numbers that total 10 or 20. Also multiples of 10 that total 100, e.g. 30 + 70, 60 + 40. Within Year 2 many children start to learn the simpler times tables: the 2's, 5's and 10's. Please check your class's weekly learning letter to see what they're up to and give a little help at home where you can.
Keep it all fun!
Your child also has access to great maths games using their Sumdog login. If you have lost this please ask your child's class teacher.
Each term we suggest a range of extra activities that link to the learning going on in class. These are described in each term's Homework Challenge Grid. Your child will need your help to complete these. We hope you'll enjoy doing some of these things together. They're all voluntary. We'd love to see anything that you do...
Something like 10 minutes a day would be great. The Challenge Grid activities can take as long as you like!