‘Through kindness, teamwork and determination we thrive.’
There's guidance about each further down the page.
Make some Ancient Egyptian-inspired jewellery. |
Create 'Ancient Egypt' in a box. |
Visit Devizes Museum to explore some of their amazing ancient artefacts. Have they got anything from the time of the Ancient Egyptians? |
Make a PowerPoint presentation all about Ancient Egypt. |
Visit Devizes Museum to explore some of their amazing ancient artefacts. Have they got anything from the time of the Ancient Egyptians? |
Create a fact file about one of the pharaohs. |
Help prepare a healthy meal for the family. Record what you served and why it is a nutritional and balanced meal. |
Practice your maths skills on http://www.timestables.me.uk/
Write a book review about a book you have read answering the following questions...
Book review:
Write a report about a book you've enjoyed. Answer the following questions:
What was the book called?
Who was the author?
What was the book about?
Who was your favourite character and why?
Did you have a favourite bit? Why?
Rate the book: how many stars out of 10 would you give it?
Write an acrostic poem using the words STONE AGE (each letter starts a new line of the poem). Draw some pictures to illustrate your poem | Visit Devizes Museum: what exhibits can you find linked to the Stone Age? |
Create a presentation about the Stone Age (maybe on the computer, or as a poster...) | Make a model of Stonehenge |
Make an interesting collection of stones and rocks | Imagine you are a Stone Age child. Write a diary about a typical day... hunting, making tools, cooking, playing games... |
Create a cave painting using different materials and objects (e.g. hand prints) | Write a book review (see 'Autumn' term list) |
Draw a picture of an erupting volcano and write words around it which suit the subject (bang, smoke, flames...) | Research the heights of ten volcanoes and put them in order, lowest to highest |
Make a model of a volcano | Create a PowerPoint presentation all about volcanoes |
Write an exciting acrostic poem. Start each line with a letter from a suitable word, e.g. VOLCANO, MAGMA, ERUPT | Research a country of your choice and present what you've discovered in an imaginative way (presentation, poster or something of your own design) |
Create a character for a story. Decide on a name, describe him/her, include an illustration. | Write a book review (see 'Autumn' term list) |
If your child finds some homework difficult, or it's just taking too long, please don't worry. Encourage your child to do what he/she can in a reasonable amount of time and then simply leave the rest. We certainly don't mean to cause strife at home.
Reading is easily the most important thing you do at home. If you regularly share books with your child you'll make a big difference to his/her success in school. Children in Year 3 need to build up the habit of reading often and you can help make this happen.
If your child is still getting to grips with de-coding the words (e.g. sounding things out and making informed 'guesses') then reading to you will give plenty of practice. But don't let it feel like a test! If your child gets stuck then it's best to simply say what the problem word is and move on.
As your child becomes fluent your job isn't over! He/she will gain enormously as you continue to read together. Maintain an interest and talk about the books... discuss the plot, the characters, the facts (in information books) and swap opinions. You can do this with anything that your child reads - not just his/her 'school reading book'.
And remember, no primary school child is ever too old to enjoy being read to by you. You can read books that are just a bit tricky for your child to read alone, helping to keep him/her interested in the whole business of reading for pleasure.
Above all enjoy books together.
Ten to fifteen minutes a night will be truly valuable and will certainly make a difference to your child's progress in school. But don't restrict the time if your child is keen to do more!
Recording home reading in their reading records is really helpful. Thank you.
Practising number facts makes them stick for good.
Revise addition and subtraction facts, e.g. pairs of numbers that total 10, 20 or 100. Practise times tables facts. Help your child to see the patterns in the multiplication tables. Start with 2's, 5's and 10's, then move on to the 3's, 4's, 8's and, when these are secure, learn the rest (6's, 7's, 9's, 11's, 12's). It's best to learn table facts in order to start with ('one three is three, two threes are six...') and then, after that, get good at recalling facts out of order.
We send spellings home with Year 3 children each week. The routine we encourage see it, cover it, write it and check it!
The final check is important of course. If the word has been written incorrectly, celebrate the bits that are correct and then try again... Please do help your child by checking spellings with them. It's best to notice slips sooner rather than later. Spellings are set and tested on Fridays.
Each term we suggest a range of extra activities that link to the learning going on in class. These are described in each term's Homework Challenge Grid (above). Your child may be able to complete some tasks alone but it'll be better if mums and dads are involved. Talking about the activities doubles their benefit... and we hope you'll enjoy doing them together. They're all voluntary. We'd love to see anything that you do...