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NURSTEED Community Primary School

‘Through kindness, teamwork and determination we thrive.’

Our Curriculum

This page explains what we teach and how we teach it.

If parents, or others, have any questions about what’s being taught teachers are glad to talk things through: make informal contact at the beginning or end of the day or ask for an appointment in the school office.


What We Teach

What and how we teach depends on your child's age. There are three 'key stages' within our school:

  • Up to the age of 5 years old is the Early Years Foundation Stage
  • From 5-7 years old is Key Stage 1
  • From 7-11 years old is Key Stage 2


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Early Years Foundation Stage describes learning from birth to the age of 5. Children in their first year at school are in the Reception year which is the last part of this stage. There's a framework that sets out national expectations. It's organised under headings:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design.

The curriculum is flexible so that learning can follow children's interests, and activities are organised to suit children’s needs.

Every day children enjoy a balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities. Children learn a great deal by playing and exploring, being active, through creative thinking and by using their imaginations. Our large and well-equipped classroom provides first-class opportunities for all these things to happen, indoors and out. Playing with others develops important social skills and promotes a positive, problem-solving attitude.

Reading skills are developed systematically in daily phonics lessons and by sharing books with adults. Children learn the sounds that letters make (phonics) and the names of each letter. They learn to write accurately and are encouraged to use their emerging writing in their play. Maths skills are developed through daily teaching and practised in carefully planned activities and play situations.


Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

For children aged 5 to 11 years old we teach the National Curriculum. National Curriculum subjects are English, Maths, Science, Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology (DT), Geography, History, Languages, Music, and Physical Education (PE). We also teach Religious Education (RE), Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).



Language is crucial for communicating clearly and it's the key tool in developing children's thinking. Children of all ages develop their language skills every day in just about every school activity.

Speaking and Listening: Teachers create classrooms where speaking and listening are used purposefully. As they grow, children use more and more precise vocabulary. They're given chances to speak aloud: to partners, in small groups, to the class or to larger groups (e.g. in school assemblies or beyond the school in public speaking events). Drama and role play are used to develop the expressive and emotional uses of language.

Reading: We teach children to read accurately and with understanding. Teachers use all sorts of texts - fiction and non-fiction - to teach the skills that allow children to enjoy, and gain from them all. Enjoying reading is crucial. There's a lot parents can do to help. In fact it's easily the single most important contribution you can make to your child's success in school.

Writing: We teach how to compose pieces of writing using well-chosen vocabulary, an appropriate style, accurate grammar and correct punctuation. These skills are used frequently in writing tasks that are part of broader topics, so purpose and interest is built in. We teach spelling and handwriting progressively throughout the school.

Phonics: Phonics is about linking sounds and letters. It’s about being able to break a written word into sounds to help read it (‘segmenting’), and putting together the letters that represent sounds to spell it (‘blending’). In the Reception year and throughout Key Stage 1 children have a structured daily phonics lesson using Sounds-Write. In Key Stage 2 these skills are reinforced and developed as necessary. 



At Nursteed, we teach a rich, broad and balanced maths curriculum to all children. Our lessons are fully inclusive, offering support and challenge to all according to need.  We provide children with regular opportunities to apply their learning to problem solving and real life situations, where children have the opportunity to recap previously taught content.


We use White Rose Mastery for the basis of our teaching. This provides long and medium term plans. Teachers then use a variety of resources in lessons including from NCETM, Classroom Secrets and Target Your Maths textbooks. Alongside a daily maths lesson, children have a daily fluency lesson (5-Minute Maths) where they practise the appropriate objective linked to their year group curriculum. Through this, children are able to rapidly recall important number facts.


We use summative assessments twice a year (End of T3 and 6) to assess attainment and progress that children are making. These assessments allow us to plan bespoke maths interventions across the school. Before each new mathematical topic, teachers plan pre-teach sessions. These sessions focus on vocabulary and methods that will appear in the next unit of work. This exposure for children builds their confidence before the unit starts.


Children at Nursteed are encouraged to use STEM sentences in their work to help explain their understanding. These STEM sentences are used throughout the school and are adapted depending on the year group and the unit of work being covered.

Each classroom has a maths working wall where key vocabulary is displayed and learning Intentions are shared along with Steps to Success for that unit of work. Examples of the learning journey in maths are also shared here.


Every classroom has a number of manipulatives that children can access to aid them with their learning. Alongside classroom apparatus, we have a shared area for mathematical resources where teachers can find numerous resources to support their teaching and the children’s learning.

Teaching assistants (TAs) are used effectively throughout the school to support the delivery of maths lessons. TAs can be deployed in a number of ways to ensure that all children make progress with their learning.


Children at Nursteed enjoy learning mathematics, and the time and dedication the teachers put into maths at Nursteed is reflected by the attitudes and enjoyment the children show towards learning maths.


Here is the link for the White Rose Maths Calculation Policy for Multiplication and Division

Here is the link for the White Rose Maths Calculation Policy for Addition and Subtraction


Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

We updated our RSE curriculum during the 2020/21 academic year and consulted with parents, staff and governors to draw up our new curriculum. RSE is taught as part of our PSHE curriculum in age-appropriate ways and as part of topic work linked to science. We inform parents in advance when sex education is part of the curriculum for their children and share the content of this with them before teaching. Parents have the right to withdraw their child if they so wish (please speak to the head teacher). More detail on the PSHE curriculum can be found below.


Assemblies (Collective Worship)

There are assemblies at least twice a week. Singing songs, some with a broadly Christian character, takes place weekly. Children are given regular opportunities to share their achievements in assemblies. Parents and friends are invited to some of these sharing assemblies. Themes for assemblies include moral issues plus stories from the Christian tradition and other faiths.

(Children may be withdrawn from collective worship at the request of parents. Parents who do not wish their children to take part should contact the head teacher.)

Special Educational Needs and Disability

Please find the link below to information in regards to making the curriculum accessible for everybody.

Curriculum Documents

You can learn more about what we teach by following the links below. For each subject you should see a 'Knowledge' overview and a 'Skills overview' setting out the key knowledge and skills that will be taught in each year group. 

How We Teach

Organising the Curriculum

Teaching subjects separately doesn’t always suit primary school children. Because of this some learning is combined in projects. This organisation suits young children well. It helps to motivate and sustain interest.

Projects often have a particular subject emphasis. During the year a range of themes is chosen to ensure that there is balance and breadth.


Teaching Styles

Teachers use a range of teaching styles to suit:

  • The age and maturity of the children
  • What’s being taught
  • The learning that they intend will take place.

Direct instruction suits some learning whilst more activity-based methods will be appropriate at other times. Often a style combining several approaches will be best.


Grouping Children

Sometimes teachers teach the whole class together, sometimes children do individual work and sometimes they are formed into convenient groups.


Groups are chosen in a variety of ways (by prior attainment, age, friendship etc.) to suit the lesson. Sometimes groups are formed expressly to promote collaboration, requiring children to work together as a team with a common purpose. At other times groups are used to help match activities to specific needs: this approach allows teachers to meet the needs of children of a wide range of differing attainment.


Organising Activities

The number of activities taking place at one time is modest. Extra adults working alongside the teacher are often asked to help supervise one of the learning groups, talking to the children about what they are learning and drawing out their best efforts.



Children get regular feedback about their learning. Sometimes teachers offer their feelings in response to the work. Sometimes shortcomings are identified, and corrections and improvements suggested. At other times teachers may choose simply to describe the work, eliciting further comments from the child or children. With younger children responses are usually immediate and spoken. With older children comments are often written when work is marked. The opportunity for further discussion between teacher and child is always available and is actively encouraged.

Regularly throughout the year teachers assess children’s performance in reading, writing, maths and science so that progress is noted and, where necessary, teaching adapted to ensure the best attainment for every child.



Teachers set age-appropriate homework. Children are expected to complete this to the declared deadline. We ask parents and carers to encourage and support children as they complete these tasks. Reading, to children and with them, is easily the highest priority. We ask parents to establish and maintain this hugely helpful activity throughout the whole of their children’s primary school years.


At the start of each school year parents are invited to meet their child’s teacher. At this initial meeting we provide guidance about homework. Helpful advice and useful resources to support learning at home can be found on the school website.

Follow the link below to find out more about our policies and procedures including our Equality Policy.
