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NURSTEED Community Primary School

‘Through kindness, teamwork and determination we thrive.’

Wednesday 27th January



9:30 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:00







Purple Mash


Purple Mash



Class Dojo





School website


Reading for pleasure and

5 minute maths

Remember to watch my morning video on ClassDojo Portfolios first!



LI: Retrieve information from the story


Please log in to Purple Mash. You will find a ‘2Do’ to read Chapter 6 of our Class Story, ‘The Settlers'. After you have read the chapter you have two tasks.


  1. Answer the multiple choice questions. You can find all the answers in the first chapter you have read. These questions can be done online, they are set as a ‘2Do’. Or you can print the questions and answer on paper. The document is below.


  1. Sequence the events from the chapter in order. You can view or print this task below.


LI: Describe a character

Your English work on Friday and Monday involved writing descriptions of trolls.  Today we will use the skills we have been practising to help us create a character profile of Ash from our class story, ‘The Settlers’.

We are now quite familiar with Ash and how he reacts in various situations. Using evidence from the story, you will write about his appearance and interests, likes and dislikes and more in an annotated diagram. Your task is set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.



LI: Count money - pounds


Please watch the learning video on this link


Then complete the worksheets. Try to do these on ClassDojo if you can so you can complete them on screen and save to your portfolio. You can also find them here, though. Remember, if it is very tricky you can do just the first worksheet but challenge yourself as much as you can!

Science – Rocks and Fossils

LI: Learn about three types of rock and the Rock Cycle

I have created a Video lesson for you as a Powerpoint Presentation. You can watch this on TEAMS. Just go to our TEAMS page and you will find it under the Files tab. Alternatively, click this long link below to take you there! You can either just scroll through the slides, pressing play on each or open in in the desktop app if you have it. 


Please watch this lesson first and then complete the two tasks set. On each slide you will need to hover above the image and then press play or click the sound button.

  1. Start your rock collection! Go to

Select ‘Begin with types of rocks’, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Start your rock collection’. You can learn more about the features of the Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous rocks you collect.

     2. Complete the worksheet. Open the document below 'Pictures of rocks' - you don't need to print these. Write/draw each rock in the correct section on the worksheet. You can use the video lesson and the knowledge organiser below to help you.

Times Tables practise

 LI: Practise rapid recall of multiplication and division facts


 Just select the sheet below for the times tables you are working on and have a practise. If you and your parents/ teacher think you're ready to move on as we go forward then please do - you'll be able to amaze me with your progress after lockdown!
